Vienna eventually notice her weak point. Patience and consistency are means to have time to develop and to digest what you get and lose; ultimately it enrich your life. Know and corrct, then improve is always cycle in life, boost up, Vienna, let you ecplore more for life secret.
Vienna eventually notice her weak point. Patience and consistency are means to have time to develop and to digest what you get and lose; ultimately it enrich your life. Know and corrct, then improve is always cycle in life, boost up, Vienna, let you ecplore more for life secret.
哈哈﹗superman 盜用了我的名稱,算了罷﹗技術所限。其實耐性和?心也是看對什麼事和什麼人,在程度上也有很大的差異。當然性格也是重要的元素。急性子的改善了也是五十步笑百步,尤其跟那些慢郎中比較。但這份鍛鍊也實在令我們能愉快點,起碼有點耐性不會令自己激死自己;多點?心也可使事情做來較貫徹。
Vienna, when will you re-start your blogger message?
Hello, Vienna, waiting for your message, had you read our diary?
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